Untitled – (Autumn Harvest) by Leal Mack (American, 1892-1962)
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40 by 50 inches oil on canvas.
LEAL MACK (American, 1892-1962) Leal Mack was born in Titusville, Pennsylvania and studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and also in Chadds Ford. He was one of the most productive members in N.C. Wyeth’s coterie of young artists of unusual potential. Mack spent 17 years at Chadds-Ford, illustrating for several leading magazines including the Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentlemen, Harper’s, and Youth’s Companion. He moved to New Mexico in 1944 after a successful career as an illustrator. As a Taos painter, he was best known for his nostalgic scenes of American life, presented in both representational and impressionistic styles.